University of Charleston Flute Day
On November 13th and 14th, I am in residence at the University of Charleston in Charleston, West Virginia! On Wednesday, November 13th, I...

Westminster College Flute Day
On Tuesday, November 5th, I am the guest artist for Westminster College's Flute Day in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania! From 9:00 AM - 4:00...

Partita on Sinfonia Music Series
On Saturday, August 31st, I perform my solo electroacoustic recital "Partita" on the Sinfonia Music Series at the Greenbrier Valley...

University of Louisville Flute Day
On Saturday, April 6th, I'm thrilled to be the guest artist for the University of Louisville Flute Day in Louisville, Kentucky! Admission...

Mansfield University Residency
On Saturday, March 30th, I perform for the inaugural Mansfield University New Music Festival in Mansfield, Pennsylvania. I share a...

Glenville State College solo recital
On Thursday, October 25th, I'm excited to present a solo recital called "21st-Century Visions for Flute" at Glenville State College in...

2017 - 2018 by the numbers...
My 2017 - 2018 season is officially over! During the past season, I: : taught 651 lessons : performed 86 total concerts : played 51...

Album release concerts
My new album returning to heights unseen, releases Friday, May 11th on the Navona label of PARMA Recordings, distributed by Naxos of...

Goodman Flute Studios Tone Workshop
On Thursday, January 18th, 2018, Goodman Flute Studios presents Tone Workshop, our fifth-annual festival day with guest artist Dr. Lisa...

returning to heights unseen events
To kick off the crowdfunding campaign for my second solo album returning to heights unseen, I perform two very special concerts. On...