PANdemonium4 at University of Kentucky
From January 27th to 28th, PANdemonium4, your favorite flute quartet, is in residence at the University of Kentucky in Lexington! On Monday, January

27th, we perform a chamber music concert at 7:30 PM featuring the world premieres of our two latest commissions: Laura Schwendinger's Nine Muses and Mark Flugge's Action Planet, arranged by Andy Frederick. The program also includes works by Gary Schocker (Nymphs), Cynthia Folio (Four 'Scapes), Michael Rene Torres (I wonder at the idleness of tears), and Metallica (Enter Sandman), arranged by Nicole Chamberlain. On Tuesday, January 28th, we teach a masterclass for Dr. Julie Hobbs's flute studio from 12:30 - 1:50 PM.