PANdemonium4 Flute Symposium
For collegiate flutists worldwide, PANdemonium4 flute quartet presents the online PANdemonium4 Flute Symposium! This fully-online symposium on Saturday, July 11th from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM EDT is open to undergraduate, graduate, and young professional flutists, offering a full day of four masterclasses and four presentations via Zoom. I teach a masterclass and present on music entrepreneurship and portfolio careers, and the quartet hosts a watch party of new virtual performances of Dubois' Quatour pour Flutes, Bozza's Jour d'ete a la montagne, and Nicole Chamberlain's arrangement of Metallica's Enter Sandman. Attend all events for only $50, and perform in a masterclass for an additional $20. Register today to reserve your place for this new annual summer learning experience!