PANdemonium4 @ University of Akron
PANdemonium4 continues our spring shenanigans with a guest artist residency at the University of Akron on Sunday, April 16! Join us for a full day of flute learning, fun, and performance in Akron, Ohio's Guzetta Hall presented by the Northeastern Ohio Flute Association from 11:00 AM - 5:30 PM! I look forward to leading my presentation "Extend Your Musicianship: Extended Techniques for Daily Practice and Beyond" at 12:00 PM and to teaching our group masterclassat 4:30 PM, in addition to our 3:00 PM concert presented bythe Kulas Series. Tickets ($12 or free for students) are available to hear music by Maria Grenfell (Pipe Music), Linda Kernohan (My Compass Still To Guide Me), William Boyce (Concerto Grosso in e minor), Tony Zilincik (It's Pandemonium!), and Eric Ewazen (Harmony in Blue and Gold). PANdemonium4 thanks Jenny Robinson for arranging our visit!
